SCA Name
Aeduuin Thee Hacke
Aelfwina of Shrewsbury
Aelia Doughty
Aine na Dun Buidhe
Aine ni Shuilleabhain
Aithne Olwen Aoibheil
Alexandre de Vouvray
Aleyn Kynyd ap Rhys
Anne of the Warm Winds
Annoney of Seleone
Annya of Glastonbury
Antonio Giovanni Celinni
Ariana inghean mhic Aonghus
Barony of Seleone
Caoilainn the Soother
Catherine Lacy de la Rouche
Catja Katrionovna Aglondare
Cliff of Seleone
Cornelius Brangwyn
Daphne of Colchester
Deborah of Haleshaven
Dediana du Corwyn
Diana of the Isles
Diolach O'Diamhim
Dmitri dur Roxellani
Duncan MacGregor
Eleanora Gleann Isla
Elizabeth of Roxbury Hill
Elyen Heath of Hemmingford Grey
Erik of Telemark
Eryk Thurmansson
Esteban de la Romero
Esteban Diaz de la Mancha
Eugenie Griffon de Seleone
Fia Douglas
Finn Normansson
Freydis Olafsdottir
Gabrielle de Gunton
Gabriel Sankt Georg
Geoffrey of Skye
Giovanna da Corlione
Gorawyn Verche Diamwnt
Hrolfr Ozurarson
Ian Gordon
Isabella de Beaujue
Isabel the Mad
Isandra Zun Hinterhof
Isolde die Grau aus dem Lebendhertz
Jacques Descotes
James Guy of Bothwell
Jean Paul de Vezeley
Jessimond of Emerickeskepe
Jheric Stillbhard
Johannes de Seleone
John the Pursuwer
Karl Von Zoeller
Karron of Pinewood
Katarina Tesmer
Ladislaus de Brody
Loric Silvestris
Luciano di Giovanni
Lyneyea of Aston-upon-Trent
Maerwynn uxor Floriani
Marcel Orillion
Marguerot L'Enchantee
Maria of Vogelburg
Marie Kaldere of Seahold
Michael Galen Mackintosh
Morgan of Osprey
Munlik Erdene
Odran Fhionn
Orliadh an Einigh
Owain ap Hugh of Merioneth
Phlorianos Kavallarios
Regan of Neath
Renata della Romero
Richard Michael of Falconcastle
Scirja of Ravenscroft
Scotti mac Curraugh
Settimio D’Olivio
Taya de Montgomery
Thaddeus Camberwell
Thorberger Herjalfsson
Thorbrgr Herjalfsson
Tobias of Emerickeskepe
Wilhelm Lowerhardt
Wilhelm von Rhine
William de Young of Haleshave
Xenia Hurrem
Zehle D'bel
Dionigio Sebastian de Caldiz
Kalisa Cherenova
Blue (Lord Kami)
Briar Kievich
Collyn Wagner
Inge Bjornsson (formerly Donald MacDavies)
Jehanne Darc de la Coste
Raven Baker
Stefon of Shepardswell
Sigurth Khayman
Kenneth of Seleone
Abbey of Seahold
Anne des Cotes
Isabou Duncan
Alexander Cherenov
Gabriel Dumont
Una D'Espence
Elspeth the Shy
Aelfwynn the Quiet
Gabriella of Seleone
Robert Darkwolf
Astridr Sparka
Anahita Kievich called Anahita
Gunnulf Hvitaskegger
Astridr Geit Buandi
Grimbjorn Gunnulfson
Hrolfr Tryggsson
Elvira Belladona de la Rosa (“Gypsy”)
Eon de Maclesto
Magnus von Lubeck
Orrochi Tatsumi
Tripier Herwilt
Lilium Evergarden
Skuli Bjornkarlson.
Marivel of Seleone
Echo of Seleone
Margarita Musikant
Carmella Florentina
Radu the Songbird
Everett the Bastard
Brandon of Seleone

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