SCA Name
Adalyde de Sardaigne
Aedana nic Brennan
Alaric the Grey
Aldermoureis Ventzke
Alesia von Altmul
Alexander Montoya of Axemoor
Alisandra de Navarra
Alis ingen Fhinn
Altana of Sarum
Angela Dee Fracchia
Angelique of Axemoor
Anne of Benetlea
Aoffie O'Caleigh
Aroon of the Dawn
Artos Ancilus
Atalanta an Brigid
Aurora Goodwine
Barony of Axemoor
Bethany Bacon
David Bootleg
Brand Glendower
Byron Delancey
Caitlin the Manx
Celeste the Horsetrader
Collen ap Ifor
Corwin Gelliersson
Cristina de Asturias
Cynthia del Lupo
Cynthia of Axemoor
Cyrille Robert
Dafydd ap y Kynith
Daniel O'Ceileachair
Daunter the Mongol
Dennis of Axemoor
Dirk Treefeller
Edward de Pulteney
Egil Harroldson
Eion de Medisto
Elagne O'Ceileachair
Elena Wen
Eleri of Caerleon
Elioanora of Kisimull
Emma Grey
Esmeralda of Kimaden
Esperanza de Navarra
Francesca da Trani
Gaius Aurelius Magnus
Gersham the Hermit
Giata Magdelena Alberti
Gilla Patraic u Ha Branan
Gillian La Dyer
Godfrey Vokstag
Gordon Griffin
Gordon Rede
Gradlon Friant Braz
Grimbaldus Bacon
Gunnar the Round
Gwenlian verch Rhys
Gwen MacAusland
Hex of Axemoor
Hruse MacIntosh
Huet Dubs
Ifor de Leycester
Isabel of Axemoor
James le Strange called the Holy
John Forsythe
Justinian Artemedius
Kara Yasun
Karia dun Dafyadd
Karrin Danski
Kerr the Bullheaded
Lilith of Starfire
Lohrina of Essex
Magdelena de Phillipi
Manfred von Rothenburg
Maria A'ish Castraria Estrada de Merida
Marie de Castille
Martha Effingham of Stewart's Keep
Maymunah bint Da'ud al Siqilliyah
Merwydd of Effington
Michael Ian Sinclair
Michael Ludovicious Dub
Mikail Al-Rashid
Muirgen of the Mists known as Morgana
Neel du Saint Michel
Nerak la Tisserande
Onora inghean mhic Cathain
Osric De Wolfe
Rachel Dafyddsdottir
Ragnar Kaupmadr
Rebecca of Axemoor
Rebecca Surcoug
Roland Martel
Ruphus Blackstone
Sarah of Axemoor
Sigmund Grundel
Sigridr Thorbjarnardottir
Siobhan Nic Eian
Sionyn McLain Sinclair
Taddea di Trieste
Tanya Areina
Tegan verch Dwgan
Thomas of Bordeaux
Thomas of Hudd's Path
Thorvald Ingvarsson
Tiberius Horotius Gladi
Tyrfinnger Grimplesson
Uric Blackoak
Valeria Al-Abid
Volsungen Redebeard of Kimaden
William Fitzhugh de Cambria
Wolfrin of Axemoor
Wulfred Hansard
Yang the Nauseating
Yves Wallenstein
Edmund Piercey
Heidi of Axemoor
Cordeilla Sharpe
Dirk Sharpe
Barax Greicho
Dauid Mac Ahn Ghaill (called Odyssey Dave)
Greshom the Hermit
John Keown
Christopher of Axemoor
Johanna Merryngton
Floki Refskegg
Sierra of Axemoor
Jamye of Axemoor
Bolchivick of the Villard
Hakon Dagsson
Reina MacCormick
Kitta Fuxdottir
Angharat verch Trahaern
Grace of Sunder-Bier
Kjalvor Vetsdottir
Maggie Wryght
Varghoss Rodgkrr
Lopthaena Kolgrimrsdottir
Andsvarr Hardradi
Jon Brennan
Gidney of Axemoor
Roki Ormrsson
Bran Moore
A'isha bint Shamir
Ulric of Nova
Conrad Breakring
Michael Mallory
Lupo Maximus Scipio
Ghislaine de Rouen
Finnvarðr Finnbogason
Vivianna Dalasenna
Eric the Bald
Eric the Rabbit
Maude Louisiana d'Orleans
Ludovico Occhiello
Sven Baldarson
Isabella Vitturi
Una inghean Fairbourne
Zmiya Viazovna
Adalind Von Axemoor fka Amy of Gleann Abhann

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