SCA Name | Date Awarded |
Caillin MacLeod | 2004-04-05 |
Elazar of Northumbria | 1999-09-10 |
Elazar of Northumbria | 2001-04-06 |
Gareth Le Bruin | 1996-04-12 |
Lee Fribrand | 1997-04-26 |
Lee Fridbrand | 1997-04-25 |
Loric Silvestris | 1999-05-14 |
Padruig Dubh Chlogad | 1995-09-15 |
Rey Ribeaumont | 1998-10-09 |
Seth of Newcastle | 2005-05-20 |
Taban Tabajin | 2001-09-28 |
William Fitzhugh de Cambria | 1998-01-02 |
The paper version of all documentation shall take precedence in any case of disagreement between the online and paper versions.