SCA NameDate Awarded
Adele die Lothringarin1994-04-29
Aelfwina of Shrewsbury1996-03-15
Aelia Doughty1994-09-09
Aengus Mac Owein1993-06-11
Aethelric of Liecester1997-09-30
Aislin O Tuama1991-04-05
Aisling MacCuithen1999-10-29
Aithne Olwen Aoibheil1995-06-02
Aithne Olwen Aoibheil1993-07-02
Alaric the Bearded1997-04-20
Aleyn Kynyd ap Rhys2005-03-17
Aleyn Kynyd ap Rhys2003-05-22
Alimah bint Abbas1997-01-17
Alina nic an Bhaird1999-10-08
Alysia Gabrielle de Fougeres1993-05-07
Ambrose Tallis1998-11-06
Amina bint Abduallah al Fustat1999-05-14
Anna Nikolaevna Petrakova1996-12-06
Anneyse O'Caernarvonshire1994-04-22
Anyeta the Wanderer2000-10-27
Ariana inghean mhic Aonghus1999-09-10
Arielle de Brabazon1984-09-07
Artos Ancilus1993-12-03
Astrid Ravenlocks Thorvaldsdottir1999-05-07
Atalanta an Brigid1983-09-09
Aurianna Maria Ravenstein2001-07-27
Avarr Heiloflagi (fka) Yamazaki Yoshikazu2007-10-27
Batu the Mongul2002-05-03
Beorn of the Northern Sea1994-10-28
Beth of Walnutvale1989-06-16
Brenna Lowri o Ruthin1993-05-07
Briana Baptiste2002-02-08
Brianna Ashinagh1996-02-09
Broinnfinn inghean ui Chathain1992-09-25
Bronwyn O’Neill (fka) Bronwen O'Neill1999-09-23
Byron Delancey2005-03-17
Caedmon of Jorvik1999-12-10
Caedmon of Jorvik1999-12-03
Caelidhe of Small Gray Bear1993-02-26
Caemel nic Entaggart2003-04-10
Caoilainn the Soother1999-10-08
Catja Katrionovna Aglondare1997-07-04
Cecilia McRegan2000-06-23
Celestine Albret de Morat1990-06-15
Ciar nic Ruadain O'Seachnasaigh1993-02-05
Ciar nic Ruadain O'Seachnasaigh1993-07-23
Conall Mac Roigh1993-01-29
Connor O'Suaird1991-05-21
Connor O'Suaird1992-04-03
Conor the Black2001-11-02
Constanza Raffaella dall Oriente1997-04-04
Cristina de Asturias2001-11-30
Crystyna Hyrundo1999-09-03
Cyrille Robert2003-08-08
Dafydd Baird1993-09-24
Damiano Elie Bellini1994-07-29
Danica Katherine of Harveston Vale1985-10-11
Danielle de la Roche1999-11-05
Daphne of Colchester1992-11-06
Deborah of Arundel1999-09-03
Dediana du Corwyn1992-11-06
Delric dubh Crihannish1999-05-14
Diana of the Isles1994-05-27
Dmitri Alesksander the Thrunderer1987-02-21
Dmitri dur Roxellani2001-02-09
Duncan MacGregor2005-07-22
Edward of Lyonsmoor2000-01-21
Eideard MacLenine1995-06-09
Eilidh nin Choinnich1995-09-08
Elazar of Northumbria1994-11-11
Eleanora Gleann Isla2001-02-09
Elianor de Morland1996-12-06
Elida Grimmsdottir known as Momma Helen1999-05-14
Elizabeth Alexandra Donan2002-05-24
Elizabetta Maria de Calabria2002-03-14
Elyen Heath of Hemmingford Grey2005-07-22
Eorann inghean Bhroin2001-03-15
Ernst der Dunkelwolf1988-05-28
Esmeralda of Kimaden1984-03-30
Etheldred NicEoghainn2004-03-18
Etheldred NicEoghainn1995-05-12
Evelyn Demond1993-07-02
Fergus O’Kelly1996-02-09
Fia Douglas2005-07-22
Finnegan Paget Reid1997-05-23
Finnvarðr Finnbogason2013-07-20
Fiona MacLaughlin1997-04-04
Fiona Mairi MacQuarrie1989-05-26
Fionnuala inghean Fhearghuis2000-06-23
Francesca da Trani1987-12-11
Francis Canny1996-02-09
Gabriel Sankt Georg1999-06-11
Gabrielle de Gunton1999-09-10
Gabrielle von Strassburg2001-05-25
Gabrielle von Strassburg2000-09-29
Genevote Villeneuve de la Fleche1996-02-09
Geoffrey De Bradelei1993-05-07
Gerberga of Ardennes1996-09-13
Ginevra Brembati2000-03-16
Ginevra Brembati1999-10-29
Giovanna Maria Rossi1995-05-12
Giovanni Domenico Bizzarrini1994-04-29
Gisela von Edgemund called Tipperth1984-03-23
Gradlon Friant Braz2002-05-03
Gwenhwyfar de Hwytinton1996-08-30
Hildegard Bergerin2013-05-23
Hrothgar Fiscabana1999-05-14
Ilissa the Nightwatcher1989-05-05
Ingrad Gerdesdottir1996-08-29
Ingridr Thorvaldsdottir1999-06-04
Isaac MacDaniel1997-05-23
Isabel the Mad1990-05-11
Jacqueline Sauvagonne2000-09-29
Jacquette D'Anjou2010-01-08
James of Bromely1999-09-10
Jane Beaumont1998-09-03
Jane Falada of Englewood1986-01-03
Jean-Pierre de Lyon1993-11-12
Jennet of Rhodes1998-04-24
Jennet of Tewkesbury1994-11-11
Jessimond of Emerickeskepe2003-05-23
John the Bearkiller1989-05-26
Juan Carlos Santiago y Benevidez de Villa Lobos2001-02-23
Juliana of Dunbar1993-07-02
Kara Yasun1999-05-14
Karl von Giessen1998-04-24
Kata Raudbok1999-08-31
Katarina Tesmer1994-08-05
Katelin MacTavish of Argyle1997-04-25
Kathleen Simonetta Riario1996-09-13
Katil of Grey Niche2000-01-21
Kaus Eisenhand1995-05-05
Keira nic an Bhaird1992-09-25
Kenna nic Ahern von Ziemer1999-09-03
Lachlan Sinclair Dumas1983-01-07
Ladislaus de Brody1994-04-22
Lauren Alean Aelfwine1994-04-29
Lee Fribrand1997-03-15
Lee Fridbrand1997-03-13
Leonora Isabella Nicollini1994-10-07
Leto Darkhorse1996-11-22
Linnet MacLeod1992-10-30
Loren Blackthorne1987-09-11
Loric Silvestris1994-05-27
Lucia Borromeo2000-12-01
Maddalena Alessandra Godwin2000-09-29
Malak bint Aqil al-Husayn1996-12-06
Manfred von Rothenburg1991-04-05
Mara de Sevilla2001-05-25
Margot du Bois2004-04-02
Marie Elliseff Eriksdottir1999-09-10
Maximillian von Braun1993-01-29
Meaghan Arsmith of Ludlow1995-03-18
Medb mac a Chounich2001-05-04
Melandra of the Woods2002-05-25
Melissant of Exmoor2005-01-14
Michael of Lough Gur2000-03-31
Miriel du Bois1997-09-12
Morgan of Osprey1998-11-20
Morgan Rowanwaif1994-04-29
Munlik Erdene2000-02-18
Olaf Lutherson of Oland2002-02-08
Owain Edwardson1999-04-30
Owen Deykin2000-09-29
Paschal d'Arezzo1997-01-17
Rashid ibn Hilal1993-09-24
Raven Blacloke2001-01-19
Rayne Moyra O'Ciaragain1999-07-16
Rebecca with the Greyhounds2005-03-17
Rebekah von Ziermer1999-05-07
Renee Marie Dubois1994-09-09
Rey Ribeaumont1996-08-14
Rian Mulligan1994-09-09
Robert Gathin Albrit2001-01-19
Robert of the Isles1976-02-25
Robert von Flusswasser2004-07-30
Roland Martel1989-12-02
Rory ua Riada1999-05-07
Rosalind bint Mihrimah1993-04-08
Rovena of Bri Leith2000-07-28
Rowan MacQuillan2001-07-27
Rowland Addison Carrick1983-10-28
Samiha Al Damascusm1994-03-25
Sarah MacGregor1998-07-17
Sarita Vashti al Coya1986-11-07
Scirja of Ravenscroft1999-05-07
Scotti mac Curraugh1998-07-17
Sean Lewis O'Connor1990-07-27
Seffery of Wessex2001-10-26
Serene of Inderwicke2000-01-21
Sheamus Selvayn2004-05-14
Signy of Stavanger2005-02-18
Sionyn Muirgen ni Dhomnall1990-04-27
Sophia von Thuringen1993-09-10
Sorcha Valdimarsdottir2001-09-07
Stephan of Durham1995-05-12
Stephen Wolfe1986-11-07
Susannah Eisenrose1994-04-15
Sybil Addington2004-11-05
Tar Radu2002-09-13
Teresa Berconi1997-08-01
Teresa Berconi1992-10-30
Thomas Escomb1995-09-01
Thomas of Hudd's Path1989-02-13
Tobias of Emerickeskepe2003-05-22
Uric Blackoak2000-12-01
Valeria Al-Abid1999-10-08
William FitzJohn1993-03-19
Xenia Hurrem2000-02-18

Click letter to list all people with that initial

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